From the journal—Words to take you back to center, instantly. You are the beginning of everything for you. What happens within you is what radiates out. This truth holds weight and gives comfort in the knowing that you have control over your end of things. Theoretically you already know this. But do you really? Do you feel it in your bones and heart? Can you rejoice in the concept of full responsibility for yourself, or does it feel like a weight? It’s a big task to relinquish blame and disappointment and replace it with full acceptance for your well-being and the shape of your life. However, it’s what you are always working on essentially; it’s the meaning of life.Start with Yourself. Always. Start there with the love, the understanding, and the compassion. See what happens. See what the world will show you about how the inner reflects the outer, how connected we all are, and how much power your choices have. Most of us are intimately connected to others who affect us in many ways and it can feel like they are the cause of our feelings. On closer inspection though, as we become more intimate with ourselves, unravelling our way of being in the world, we have an opportunity to become more conscious of how we want to react and feel rather than being driven by conditioning or overwhelming emotions. We can then find ourselves having experiences rather than just reactions. This level of responsibility for one’s quality of life is a noble and evolved pursuit. To make real change and find the deeply satisfying reward of this kind of freedom is the true goal of spiritual seekers—and people exploring the hunch within them that says it is possible.

As one gains experience and maturity, one finds that the world outside ourself cannot be controlled. Life marches on and if there is one thing you can count on it’s change. How can we TRULY rise above fearing all the factors this truth implies we might contend with in a lifetime, a year, a day? Really. How can we be solid in the face of endless shifting and change? Some change is exciting and welcomed, but what about change we don’t want or understand? How do we face all of life with grace and inner strength? Start with yourself. Start with where you are. Start with truth. Start with feeling. Start with trusting. Start with this moment.You are beautiful, and you are complete. How do you find yourself reacting to these words on an inner level? That’s where you start. No matter what you encounter “out there”,­ you are living “in here”, and that is the place you have power and choice. No matter what. If that feels like a stretch, just allow yourself to be open to this possibility. Keep looking for the chance to choose...and please begin to choose You.You specifically are an equal piece of the whole; the collective we call humanity and a building block for the structure that is this reality. It’s all you can be sure of and maybe the only constant is the life that you are living, moment by moment, everyday. Beyond the routines, the relationships, and even the aspirations, you exist right now in this moment. Disconnected from all the narrative in your head, all you really know is that you are alive, breathing. You are a place, a meaning, and a unique expression that contributes to all that is. The quality of your well-being is what you give. It’s wider than who you are exchanging with, or what you think; it’s the sum total of all you are. How preciously you hold yourself is the quality of what you are giving out. All this means is that you matter,nothing more and nothing less. And you are constantly choosing, consciously or unconsciously, the quality of your contribution by how deeply, clearly, and lovingly you know, consider, and care for yourself.

Heartfire Project gives you permission, tools, support, and love and asks that you seriously START WITH YOURSELF.

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